February 28, 2009

WELCOME to My Last Blog Station

WELCOME to my site!
First of all you are able to feed the animated fish at the fish pond by just left clicking on the pond. Don't you think it is fun?

Hope that you can find the fashion that you need here in my site.

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Handbag -- Page 8

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

Item Code and Price

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Handbag -- Page 7

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

Item Code and Price

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Handbag -- Page 6

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

Item Code and Price

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Handbag -- Page 5

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

Item Code and Price

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Handbag -- Page 4

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and T-Shirt -- Page 5

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and T-Shirt -- Page 4

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and T-Shirt -- Page 3

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and T-Shirt -- Page 2

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and T-Shirt -- Page 1

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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T-Shirt -- Page 2

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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T-Shirt -- Page 1

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and Jeans -- Page 3

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and Jeans -- Page 2

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and Jeans -- Page 1

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse -- Page 4

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and Jacket -- Page 1

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Skirt / Dress (2 Ways) -- Page 1

I need a skirt and a dress, can I buy both of them with a price of one? YES! Now you can.

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Blouse and Dress -- Page 2

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse and Dress -- Page 1

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse -- Page 3

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse -- Page 2

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blouse -- Page 1

Simply affordable. Simply elegant.

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

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This blog is created on 17th Feb 2009 by a guy called "Penang Factory".

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